Tag Archives: causes of infertility in men

What are the common causes of infertility in men and how can you solve that problem?

What are the common causes of infertility in men and how can you solve that problem?

In my part of the world, some folks believe that men cannot be infertile. Once a couple has a hard time conceiving, then automatically, it is the woman’s fault, she is not fertile. Bro/sis, I am here to inform you that, men and women can equally have infertility problems.

Infertility is not gender-specific, it can happen to anyone. If a couple continually have unprotected sex for more than one year without conception, that is infertility. There is about 50% chance that male factor is to blame.

No matter who is infertile between the couple, inability to conceive over time is a challenging period for the couple.
In seeking solution to the problem therefore, both the man and the woman should check with the doctor rather than make blind assumptions.

Naturally, for a man to be able to impregnate a woman, he must be able to produce enough healthy sperm that is capable of moving the right way. If this is not the case, impregnating a woman may be difficult.

Sperm motility in fertile and infertile males
Sperm motility

In some cases, the man may notice some abnormalities that point at infertility. This is why it is important that you know what to look out for though the presence of one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean the man is infertile. These symptoms should rather tell such a couple that it is time to visit the doctor.

Symptoms of male infertility

  • Pain or swelling around the testicle
  • Sexual problems such as decrease in sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, problems with ejaculation, etc
  • Abnormal breast enlargement
  • Low sperm count
  • Signs of hormonal abnormalities like loss of body or facial hair.

Only your healthcare provider through physical examinations, blood work or other tests can determine if these are truly as a result of infertility or other issues. Once again, do not assume.

Causes infertility in men

What causes infertility in men?
Causes of male infertility

Various factors can cause infertility in men. It could be as a result of lifestyle, environmental factors or medical factors. There is also male infertility of unexplained causes.

Some of the common causes of infertility in men as a result of lifestyle and environmental factors include –

  • High exposure to radiation, such as x-ray radiation
  • High exposure to heat, like when you constantly place your laptop on your laps while working on it
  • Extended exposure to industrial chemicals or heavy metals
  • Smoking, including second-hand smoking
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Obesity

Medical factors can also contribute to infertility in men. Let us look at some of them –

  • Sperm Disorders
  • Injuries
  • Varicoceles (swollen veins in the scrotum)
  • Hormonal problems
  • Immune system issues
  • Genetic conditions
  • Infection
  • Undescended testicles
  • Medications, etc

And of course, there are unexplained causes of male infertility. In some cases, there is no obvious health, environmental or lifestyle causes for the infertility. This is also possible. However, you can only reach this decision after seeing your doctor.

Prevention and treatment of male infertility

Obviously, treatment of infertility in men depends on the root cause of the infertility. To prevent infertility in men, we advocate for changes in lifestyle. You know the usual – quit smoking, less booze, no use of hard/illicit drugs, watch your weight, watch what you eat and avoid exposure to rays and heat. Living a healthy lifestyle can help you ward off infertility from lifestyle and environmental factors.

For male infertility caused environmental and lifestyle factors, the first line of treatment should be to make better life choices. Live healthy and stay away from radiation, overheat, harmful chemicals and metals. You do need to see a doctor who may also recommend some treatment options to go with the lifestyle changes.

However, when it comes to medical causes, your first point of call should be your doctor, preferably a urologist. He/she can perform the right diagnosis using your medical history, physical examinations and maybe tests with blood or semen.
Your healthcare provider can proffer treatment options based on results of their findings on the cause of the infertility.

The Urology Care Foundation divided the treatment options into 3 –

– Non-surgical therapy
– Surgical therapy and
– Treatment for unknown causes of male infertility.

Knowledge of the cause of the infertility will direct your doctor on the best line of treatment to follow.

Need I tell you that a stitch in time saves nine?
You can have that family of your dreams if you take a bold step and take charge of your life. Do the needful. If you are yet to conceive or you know a couple who are finding it difficult to conceive, please be advised that the infertility could be caused by a number of factors from either the man or woman. In some cases, it is not even caused by any known factor.

Therefore, seek professional help; visit your doctor as soon as possible. This is the only way to know how to solve the problem effectively.